
Alternative Report on the National Remedial Education Program

The report prepared by the Romanian Academic Society, with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania, offers an overview of the way in which the National Remedial Education Program was implemented in 2021.

In February 2021, a year after schools were closed for the first time due to the pandemic, the Ministry of Education announced what was intended to be a solution for children who did not have access to online education. As about 1 in 3 school students could not access the educational resources available in the digital environment during the pandemic, the National Remedial Education Program "School after School" was credited as a project to ensure the recovery of lost learning and backlogs incurred during the pandemic through access to quality remedial education.

Although funded by European funds, implemented at a time when the government was guaranteeing transparency and reforms to citizens with a view to submitting the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, the National Remedial Education Program was organized in secrecy: budget, implementation team, activities, timetable, the results - everything appeared with great delay. Moreover, the program was marred by contradictions and question marks regarding its organization stemming from the officials of the Ministry of Education. And, although the program was completed in September, not even to this day - end of December - there is no official report from the authorities.

In order to have an overview of the way in which the program was implemented in 2021, on December 17, 2021, the Romanian Academic Society launched the first Alternative Report on the National Remedial Education Program.

The report prepared by the Romanian Academic Society, with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania, is available at the following address, along with our recommendations for improving the policy on remedial education: https://publicatii.romaniacurata.ro/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Raportul-alternativ-al-programului-national-de-educatie-remediala.pdf


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