
147 results:
121. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - The video shows the history of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung  
The video shows the history of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung  
Image from Sergey Zolkin via Unsplash
11.12.2020 | Trade unions and social dialogue | News
Legislating a right to disconnect
18.4% of employees in Romania started working from home as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, compared to only 0.8% before the pandemic.  
Image from Lenny Kuhne via Unsplash
03.12.2020 | Trade unions and social dialogue | News
Employee financial participation: European models and Romanian realities
It is already a truism to say that in Romania work is poorly paid and that the gap between labor and capital is much larger than in Europe.  
124. Cooperation for peace and security  
Fully committed to our mission to promote international understanding and cooperation, we bring to the foreground progressive voices and ideas that contribute to an informed public debate on…  
12.11.2020 | Cooperation for peace and security | News
Thinking Ahead - Russia Beyond 2024
In the thirty years of transformation since 1989–90, Russia has been reborn as an important player shaping European security.  
27.10.2020 | Democracy and good governance | Events
The 2020 Edition of the FES Romania Alumni Conference
Resilience is the buzzword of the hour. Like no other crisis of the recent past, the current COVID-19 pandemic is testing the coping capacity limits of individuals, countries, and European…  
129. 404 - Page Not Found - 404 - We apologize, but this page could not be found!  
404 - We apologize, but this page could not be found! The reasons for this could be that you have called an incorrect or out-of-date address (URL) - please check it again. Or we have archived, moved…  
130. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung - Headquarter Bonn  
Headquarter Bonn Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Bonn Godesberger Allee 149 D-53175 Bonn +49 0228 883-0 +49 0228 883-9207  
Search results 121 until 130 of 147