Romania Office

Str. Emanoil Porumbaru 21
Apartment 3
RO-011421 Bucuresti Sector 1

0040 21 211 09 82
0040 21 210 71 91


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Democracy and good governance

Democracy and good governance

There is no better guarantee for democracy in Europe and the world, other than that laid down by committed active citizens. As Friedrich Ebert himself put it, "democracy needs democrats". More

Social-ecological transformation

Social-ecological transformation

Our societies are facing one of the biggest challenges in our history – a ecological crisis that endangers the very human existence. More

Trade unions and social dialogue

Trade unions and social dialogue

Workers rights are at risk everywhere in the world. The right to establish or join a trade union, the right to collective bargaining and the freedom of speech and assembly are under increasing attacks in several countries. More

Cooperation for peace and security

Cooperation for peace and security

As nationalist and isolationist tendencies re-emerge in Europe, and instability regains ground in the European neighbourhood and elsewhere in the world, we believe it is worth making efforts to strengthen cohesion inside the EU and build a stronger sense of shared norms and values. More

News & Activities

Friday, 18.10.2024 - Friday, 18.10.2024 - Hotel Novotel, Sala Paris | Democracy and good governance | Events

We invite you to the launch event of the Youth Study Romania (2024)


04.10.2024 | Social-ecological transformation | News

Un lucru e cert. A fost o vară care ne-a topit și ne-a secat. La propriu de multe ori.


25.09.2024 | not topic related | News

The Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Bucharest is looking for a Financial Coordinator


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Follow us on the Social Monitor

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Transformări socio-ecologice în România

Bucată, Roxana

Transformări socio-ecologice în România

Atitudini, interese şi temeri ale diferitelor grupuri sociale
Bucureşti, 2024

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

Plafonarea preţurilor în România

Guga, Ştefan

Plafonarea preţurilor în România

Impactul măsurilor recente de reglementare a preţurilor la bunurile şi serviciile de consum asupra coşului de consum pentru un trai minim decent
Bucureşti, 2024

Download publication (320 KB, PDF-File)

Rumänien : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Rumänien : Gewerkschaftsmonitor

Berlin, 2023, 2021:

Download publication

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