
154 results:
31. Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for young progressive activists  
Romania needs politicians who understand the challenges that the Romanian society is facing and are able to build alliances for progress. This requires undisguised involvement and devotion for the…  
32. Simulation Game on Local Politics  
The strategy game is a method of political education that aims to simulate as real as possible the activity of an existing political institution. The project aims to counteract the lack of…  
33. For an active democracy - against right-wing extremism  
This exhibition is addressed especially to young people from the age of 14, but also to other people interested in the phenomenon of right-wing extremism. The exhibition is made available free of…  
34. Newsletter  
Subscribe to our newsletter We occasionally send you e-mails with updates on publications or news about FES Romania. You can of course unsubscribe at any time. See more News about FES…  
35. Imprint  
Imprint Imprint of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. Godesberger Allee 149 53175 Bonn Germany +49 (0) 228 883-0 +49 (0) 228 883-9207 Hiroshimastr. 17 10785 Berlin…  
36. 404 - Page Not Found  
404 - We apologize, but this page could not be found! The reasons for this could be that you have called an incorrect or out-of-date address (URL) - please check it again. Or we have archived, moved…  
37. Search  
38. Romania in change - Rumänien 2024: Herausforderungen für das politische Mitte-Links-Spektrum  
Rumänien 2024: Herausforderungen für das politische Mitte-Links-Spektrum Die Wahlkämpfe 2024 in Rumänien sind von vielfältigen, sich aneinanderreihenden Krisen geprägt. Der Krieg in der Ukraine wird…  
27.02.2024 | Trade unions and social dialogue | News
Price caps in Romania. What was the impact of the government's measures?
Government regulation of energy and basic food prices has led to an average 11% reduction in the cost of goods and services needed for a decent living for a family with two children, or 1118…  
19.02.2024 | Democracy and good governance | News
Start for the Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for Young Progressive Activists 2024
We are opening the registration session for our annual training program "Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for Young Progressive Activists".  
Search results 31 until 40 of 154