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147 results:
03.04.2023 | Cooperation for peace and security | News
Military spending in Europe. What Role and Leadership Model for Germany?
Kremlin’s unprovoked war against Ukraine has shattered the European collective security system that was patiently built up since the 1970s. With the prospect of large-scale wars between states in…  
16.03.2023 | Democracy and good governance | Events
GENDER QUOTAS IN ROMANIA. How to communicate strategically?
Strategic communication must encourage women to assume political roles and provide leadership to the women and men around them.  
08.03.2023 | Democracy and good governance | Events
GENDER QUOTAS IN ROMANIA. How to win male allies for the introduction of quotas?
A conversation with Maria Noichl, MEP SPD, Member of the FEMM Committee, European Parliament  
02.03.2023 | Cooperation for peace and security | News
Zeitenwende one year after. Understanding Germany’s new foreign policy outlines
One year after the Russian attack on Ukraine, there is no end in sight to the war. The conflict comes with massive military, economic and political challenges for Kyiv and for its Western supporters.…  
23.02.2023 | Democracy and good governance | News
Start for the Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for Young Progressive Activists 2023
We are opening the registration session for our annual training program "Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for Young Progressive Activists".  
18.01.2023 | Democracy and good governance | News
Video - The political representation of women in Romania
After 1989, the political representation of women is one of the indicators of the quality of democracy where Romania is constantly in the last places at the European level.  
23.12.2022 | not topic related | News
Christmas greeting
FES Romania wishes you a peaceful end of the year, Happy Holidays with your loved ones and all the best for the New Year.  
09.12.2022 | Democracy and good governance | Events
Voting at 16? Arguments for and against lowering the voting age to 16
The discussion about the political participation of young people is worth having for the multidimensional impact it can have on the consolidation of democracy in Romania.  
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