Other Publications

26.10.2023 | Trade unions and social dialogue | Other Publications, Publications, News

Update of the minimum consumption basket for a decent living

Friedrich Ebert Foundation Romania and Syndex Romania updated the value of the minimum consumption basket for a decent living in Romania for the year 2023.


30.09.2022 | Democracy and good governance | Other Publications, News

Translation: How to tackle antisemitism in school?

In light of its historic responsibility for the Holocaust and its accumulated experience over the past 30 years on the topic of Holocaust education, Germany has developed recommendations for the teachers and other pedagogical...


03.02.2022 | Democracy and good governance | Other Publications, News

Interactive map of Holocaust in Romania

A new interactive tool to deepen our knowledge about the Holocaust in Romania, as result of the cooperation between the National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania "Elie Wiesel" and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung...


28.12.2021 | Democracy and good governance | Other Publications, News

30 Years After: How Romania Builds Democratic Competence in School?

The report prepared by the Romanian Academic Society, with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania, analyzes the concrete way in which the state understands to form the civic and social competences of children and young...


20.12.2021 | Democracy and good governance | Other Publications, News

Alternative Report on the National Remedial Education Program

The report prepared by the Romanian Academic Society, with the support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania, offers an overview of the way in which the National Remedial Education Program was implemented in 2021.


07.07.2021 | Democracy and good governance | Other Publications, News

National study "Private Tutoring in Romania: a Parallel or Complementary Educational System?"

The national study "Private Tutoring in Romania: parallel or complementary educational system?", was launched on June 3, 2021 by the Romanian Academic Society (SAR) and the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES),...


| Other Publications

Coșul minim pentru un trai decent, actualizat pentru anul 2020

The value of the minimum consumption basket for a decent living for a family of two adults and two children for September 2020 is 7278 lei per month, increasing by + 4.7% compared to last year.


| Other Publications

Policy Brief: De ce nu acordă autoritățile locale bursele pentru elevi? Între nepăsare și lipsa resurselor

Authors: Marius Ghincea, Constantin Alexandru Manda, Bucharest, September 2020.


| Other Publications

Gewerkschaftsmonitor 2020 - Rumänien

Authors: FES Briefing, February 2020.



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