
27 results:
1. Tematici  
2. Proiecte  
Proiecte of FES România  
| not topic related RO | Actualitate
Oferta de job - coordonator financiar
Fundatia Friedrich Ebert din Bucuresti cauta un coordonator financiar.  
| Democrație și buna guvernanță | Actualitate
Greedflation (Buzzwords in afaceri europene 8/8)
The newly elected European Parliament faces a challenging composition of factions and parties. Forming progressive majorities will be more difficult than before. Despite this, and for this very…  
| Democrație și buna guvernanță | Actualitate
Pushback (Buzzwords in afaceri europene 7/8)
The newly elected European Parliament faces a challenging composition of factions and parties. Forming progressive majorities will be more difficult than before. Despite this, and for this very…  
| Democrație și buna guvernanță | Actualitate
Normalisation of far right discourse (Buzzwords in afaceri europene 6/8)
The newly elected European Parliament faces a challenging composition of factions and parties. Forming progressive majorities will be more difficult than before. Despite this, and for this very…  
| Democrație și buna guvernanță | Actualitate
AI-Regulation (Buzzwords in afaceri europene 5/8)
The newly elected European Parliament faces a challenging composition of factions and parties. Forming progressive majorities will be more difficult than before. Despite this, and for this very…  
| Democrație și buna guvernanță | Actualitate
De-Risking (Buzzwords in afaceri europene 4/8)
The newly elected European Parliament faces a challenging composition of factions and parties. Forming progressive majorities will be more difficult than before. Despite this, and for this very…  
9. România în schimbare  
Das Jahr 2024 ist ein Superwahljahr, das in Rumänien alle Arten von Wahlen bereithält: Europa-, Kommunal-, Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen. Welche Auswirkungen werden die Kriegsgefahren in…  
| Democrație și buna guvernanță | Actualitate
Permacrisis (Buzzwords in afaceri europene 2/8)
With elections for the European Parliament on our doorstep, we think now is the right time to highlight the unique power of the European project as well as some of the burning matters it needs to…  
Search results 1 until 10 of 27