News & Activities

29.01.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News

Mit dem Einzug der Allianz für die Einheit der Rumänen (AUR) ins Parlament im Jahr 2020 haben rechtsradikale Kräfte ihre Position in Rumänien…


22.01.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

Folgender Text versucht Antworten auf mehrere Fragen hinsichtlich der jüngsten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen und der möglichen Perspektiven zu…


15.01.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

In Rumänien stellt der Anteil der Frauen an der Gesamtbevölkerung mehr als die Hälfte dar. Statistiken zeigen, dass Rumänien hinsichtlich der…


04.01.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

Die Wahlkämpfe 2024 in Rumänien sind von vielfältigen, sich aneinanderreihenden Krisen geprägt. Der Krieg in der Ukraine wird den Staatshaushalt…


20.12.2023 | not topic related | News

We wish you a peaceful end of the year and relaxing holidays. We look forward to seeing you again in the New Year!


Tuesday, 05.12.2023 - Bucharest | Cooperation for peace and security | Events

Since the start of the war of aggression against Ukraine in February 2022, the EU has imposed eleven rounds of sanctions against the Russian…


10.11.2023 | Cooperation for peace and security | Events, News

As a knowledge partner in the Forum, FES Romania organizes a panel on: "Zeitenwende in Germany and its impact for a stronger Europe" on the second day…


26.10.2023 | Trade unions and social dialogue | Other Publications, Publications, News

Friedrich Ebert Foundation Romania and Syndex Romania updated the value of the minimum consumption basket for a decent living in Romania for the year…


| Social Democracy Reader | Events, News

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Romania launched the study " Anti-drug Policies in Romania: Between Criminal Justice and Public Health" at a conference…


Wednesday, 21.06.2023 - Hotel JW Marriott, Calea 13 Septembrie 90, București | Trade unions and social dialogue | Events

Fiscal insecurity and low state revenues are a systemic problem in Romania. Economic growth did not translate into an increase in budget receipts, the…


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