News & Activities

03.06.2024 | Social-ecological transformation | News

Romanians consider climate change a crucial societal issue.


Friday, 31.05.2024 - Bucharest, Goethe Institut | Social-ecological transformation | Events

Launch and Debate of the SINUS Report on Socio-Ecological Transformations


27.02.2024 | Trade unions and social dialogue | News

Government regulation of energy and basic food prices has led to an average 11% reduction in the cost of goods and services needed for a decent living…


23.02.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

Politicile de mediu pot fi și politici de dezvoltare socio-economică. România poate deveni o superputere energetică verde dacă ar miza inteligent pe…


19.02.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

Die Armut unter Kindern und Jugendlichen ist in Rumänien im Vergleich zum EU-Durchschnitt deutlich höher. In diesem Zusammenhang enthält dieser Text…


19.02.2024 | Democracy and good governance | News

We are opening the registration session for our annual training program "Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for Young Progressive Activists".


14.02.2024 | Trade unions and social dialogue | Events, News

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Romania organized on 9-11 February 2024, in Predeal, in partnership with UNI-SEEOC (UNI Global's South-East European Centre),…


12.02.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

Până acum nu au existat divergențe majore între principalele partide din România cu privire la interpretarea contextului geostrategic sau la…


05.02.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News
România în schimbare

In Rumänien ist das Bildungswesen stark wettbewerbsorientiert und basiert auf dem Leistungsprinzip, was dem öffentlichen Interesse zuwiderläuft, da es…


29.01.2024 | Democracy and good governance | Publications, News

Mit dem Einzug der Allianz für die Einheit der Rumänen (AUR) ins Parlament im Jahr 2020 haben rechtsradikale Kräfte ihre Position in Rumänien…


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